How do I choose? What do I ask?

Can I spend 8-12 hours with this person? Or rather, Is this wedding videographer going to make my wedding day more fun? More stressful? Make sure to at least facetime or chat on the phone with your wedding videographer before booking.

How much do your packages cost?

Wedding videographers can cost anywhere from $500- $10,000. The higher the price doesn’t necessarily equate to a better wedding video. Some companies have been in business for years, some venues only approve a small list of vendors, some videographers are the only shooters in an area allowing them to capitalize.

Are there any fees not includes?

Taxes or travel? Gas, tolls, mileage all need to be covered. Some wedding videographers charge extra for more than one location. Everybody shooting needs a hot meal! Find out what you are paying for, so you don’t get stuck with an unexpected bill on top of your package. 

How many cameras do you record with?

Having your wedding shot in 4K isn’t necessary(as of yet). 1080 HD is just fine in 2022. It is necessary, however, to use more than one camera to make a wedding video. Shooting with one camera can spell disaster. So make sure your wedding videographer has a back up or second stationary camera to ensure a seamless edit. 

Do you have insurance?

Someone could knock over the wedding cake, someone could knock over my lights, someone could be eaten by a crocodile while doing yoga poses. The chance of disaster is small but, it could happen. Ask for a COI so if something happens, you can rest easy knowing your wedding videographer has you fully covered. 

How do you record sound?

Cameras are great for capturing high quality visuals of your wedding. However, camera audio is not high quality. I plug a sound recorder into the DJ booth and put lapel mics on the groom or officiant. This way, when you watch your wedding video, you hear the speeches and vows, not a camera clicking or servers picking up dishes. Make sure your wedding videographer records audio with at least one external recorder!

Have you worked with my photographer?

Photographers and videographers want the same thing- make the client happy. It is not crucial that the wedding videographer and photographer have worked together before. However, it is crucial that they work as a team. Think of your wedding videos and photos as your dream house. You have 8-12 hours to build and decorate. If your electrician elbows your plumber out of the way, then your dream house toilets are in trouble. That metaphor is a stretch, but having a wedding videographer and photographer fully communicating and working together is the only way to get beautiful wedding memories. 

What exactly am I walking away with?

Make sure you are extremely clear on everything in the package and contract. Feel empowered to ask questions! Set your own expectations!

What’s the turn around on wedding video?

Is it different in the busy months? Our turn around time is about 3 months!

Do you have any promotions going?

Save some dough and ask about promotions.

What size is your company?

There are three different sizes of wedding video companies in the world: small, medium, and gigantic- each size has its own pros and cons. For instance, if your videographer gets sick, can they send a backup? Do the editors work in a different state? A different country? How do they operate together? How do you ensure quality control?


What to Know When Searching


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